In an era where technology is taking over it might seem like everything is going digital. Email has increased, businesses are phasing out paper receipts, and dinner reservations online are becoming more popular. Honestly, almost anything can be done online.
You might be surprised to find out that despite the trend for everything to go digital, print is NOT dead. In fact, the reality is that print is a very powerful media and businesses are continuing to utilize print for marketing materials.
Print gives people a direct sensory experience.
Reading a book, scanning through the news paper, flipping through a magazine; reading any of these print materials triggers your senses and creates an experience for the user that is appealing and self-satisfying. Reach your target audience with something tangible that they can see, touch and even smell and you are sure to leave a lasting impression.
If you are trying to get the attention of potential customers who sit at a desk most of the day, staring at a screen, weeding through emails, or analyzing reports try reaching them through printed material. It gives them a break from the screen so they are sure to be more focused on your material.
Print is user friendly.
Simply stated print is easy! It does not require an IT person to help you download, there’s no pop-ups advertisements to interrupt you…it is just easier.
Print is portable.
You might say so is my iPhone, or my laptop But you don’t need a charger or battery for print. You can easily take it with you, and there are no compatibility issues!