Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Anytime, Anywhere, Any Device – the ATAWAD Concept

The ATAWAD concept represents perfectly how technology and the way we work are evolving. Being continuously connected is becoming just as important as the work we deliver. Whether you are at home, in a meeting or in transports, you need to collaborate and get in touch with people using the device you have on hand : smartphone, tablets or computers.

The new tipping point

Any time, anywhere, any device – or known as the 3As is not radically a new concept. People have been talking about it for a while now and several firms have already implemented ATAWAD in various business units.
ATAWAD means – the offered capacity to users (technological programs, services) to access information anytime, from anywhere and on any device.

The next phase for the Enterprise

The history of network computing is characterized by an on going struggle between end-user and IT capabilities. IT has been ahead of the curve, driving a new technology shift in businesses. The rise of Cloud and mobility is impacting the economy in several ways. Providing customers with anytime, anywhere, any device access to enterprise systems, as well as the ability to interact with data to get work done, has been a key strategic imperative.
Large corporations such as Cisco, Orange or Barclays have seized this opportunity to increase interactions with their customers and their employees.

ATAWAD, an ode to scalability

Beyond its practical dimension (not having to return to the office on weekend if you have forgotten a document), you can access everything from your home. ATAWAD encourages anytime/anywhere access in the corporation world. Most importantly, businesses understand the benefits of digital transition :
 – Device freedom for workers : Cloud solutions offer a mobile-optimized platform for all type of users.
– Top Management from any type of industry can follow and interact with their teams 
– Business leaders can monitor their dashboards, exchange information, access their CRM, create instant reports and follow the status of their pipelines
– Communication managers can react instantly on any subject and transmit news to various teams
– Employees can access the IS (Information system) of their company whenever they want
ATAWAD simply represents an ode to business scalability, a definite luxury for corporations today !

An organizational shift to take into consideration

Shifting to a next-generation cloud solution can help transform a business.However, knowing where to start can be a challenge.
– Important organizational changes must be taken into consideration by the RH department such as encouraging employees to telework.
– Look for ROI and TCO when making investments on ATAWAD ! Look for incremental investments in your existing infrastructure, backed by a solid ROI model for new business solutions.
– Of course, a move to information-centric and mobility-enabled serviceswill put a premium on information security and privacy.
– Embrace the future ! The business landscape is packed of struggling companies that failed to act on technology transitions.

The digital revolution is here to stay and business must adapt to the change! The 3As is today’s revolution, one that will transform the industry towards a customer-centric, omnicontent future.
