Monday, January 30, 2017


Kita sering mendengar orang berkata "Aku bersaksi" tanpa benar-benar mengetahui, melihat atau mendengar secara langsung. Dikarenakan terlalu seringnya kita mendengar hal diatas, maka saksi-saksi yang tidak mengalami secara langsung tetapi menyatakan bersaksi atas suatu peristiwa menjadi hal yang biasa.

Definisi Saksi menurut bung Wikipedia adalah seseorang yang mempunyai informasi tangan pertama mengenai suatu kejahatan atau kejadian dramatis melalui indera mereka (misal: penglihatan, pendengaran, penciuman, sentuhan) dan dapat menolong memastikan pertimbangan-pertimbangan penting dalam suatu kejahatan atau kejadian. Seorang saksi yang melihat suatu kejadian secara langsung dikenal juga sebagai saksi mata. Saksi sering dipanggil ke pengadilan untuk memberikan kesaksiannya dalam suatu proses peradilan.

Secara umum definisi saksi telah tercantum dalam Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana (KUHAP) yang telah diratifikasi menjadi Undang-Undang No 8 Tahun 1981 dalam Pasal 1 angka 26 KUHAP yang menyatakan bahwa saksi adalah orang yang dapat memberikan keterangan guna kepentingan penyidikan, penuntutan, dan peradilan tentang suatu perkara pidana yang ia dengar sendiri, ia lihat sendiri dan ia alami sendiri.

Dalam KUHAP jelas sanksi bagi seseorang yang menjadi saksi palsu, hanya dalam praktek nya hal ini masih diterapkan secara pilih-pilih, sehingga kesan bersaksi dengan berdusta menjadi bias dan tidak ada bedanya.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Gong Xi Fat Cai

Gong Xi Fat Cai !!
Xin Nian Kuai Le.
Zhù Ni Shenti Jiànkäng,
Quanjiä Xingfu, Wànshì Ruyì
Gong Xi..! Gong Xi..! Xin Nian Kuai Le,
Wan Shi Ru Yi! Gong Xi Fat Cai 2568!
Göng Göng Xi Fät Fät Chäi Chäi
Gong Xie! Fat! 'Chai'
Sin Nie Chin Phu”
'Wan Se Ju Ie'
'Sen Thie Chien Kang'

Selamat Tahun Baru Imlek 2017.

[jerukbali 2017]

Tahun Baru Imlek merupakan perayaan terpenting orang Tionghoa. Perayaan tahun baru imlek dimulai di hari pertama bulan pertama (bahasa Tionghoa: 正月; pinyin: zhēng yuè) di penanggalan Tionghoa dan berakhir dengan Cap Go Meh 十五冥 元宵节 di tanggal kelima belas (pada saat bulan purnama). Malam tahun baru imlek dikenal sebagai Chúxī 除夕 yang berarti "malam pergantian tahun".

Di Tiongkok, adat dan tradisi wilayah yang berkaitan dengan perayaan Tahun Baru Imlek sangat beragam. Namun, kesemuanya banyak berbagi tema umum seperti perjamuan makan malam pada malam Tahun Baru, serta penyulutan kembang api. Meskipun penanggalan Imlek secara tradisional tidak menggunakan nomor tahun malar, penanggalan Tionghoa di luar Tiongkok seringkali dinomori dari pemerintahan Huangdi. Setidaknya sekarang ada tiga tahun berangka 1 yang digunakan oleh berbagai ahli, sehingga pada tahun 2009 masehi "Tahun Tionghoa" dapat jadi tahun 4707, 4706, atau 4646.

Dirayakan di daerah dengan populasi suku Tionghoa, Tahun Baru Imlek dianggap sebagai hari libur besar untuk orang Tionghoa dan memiliki pengaruh pada perayaan tahun baru di tetangga geografis Tiongkok, serta budaya yang dengannya orang Tionghoa berinteraksi meluas. Ini termasuk Korea, Mongolia, Nepal, Bhutan, Vietnam, dan Jepang (sebelum 1873). Di Daratan Tiongkok, Hong Kong, Makau, Taiwan, Singapura, Indonesia, Malaysia, Filipina, Thailand, dan negara-negara lain atau daerah dengan populasi suku Han yang signifikan, Tahun Baru Imlek juga dirayakan, dan pada berbagai derajat, telah menjadi bagian dari budaya tradisional dari negara-negara tersebut.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

10 habits of successful professionals

Wondering how you can become a process professional with high impact in your organization?

Here are 10 habits of successful process professionals:

#1: They focus on business outcomes:
Let’s face it, apart from a select tribe of you and your fellow process compatriots, not many other people in your company care about process. Many of your colleagues, if not most, don’t even think of the work they do in process terms. Instead they care about hitting their numbers, doing their job with minimal hassle and working for a successful company.

How are your improvements going to help them do that?
Do you focus on inputs or outcomes?

Don’t focus myopically on the “inputs” of your efforts – e.g. how many projects you’ve run, how quickly you’ve done them, how many people you’ve trained – but instead focus on the outcomes you’re generating for your business. How many projects have had a real, sustained, and positive impact on overall business performance?

How are you helping to drive business performance and to make the lives of your colleagues that little bit easier? 
#2: They understand the business drivers:
Successful process professionals are able to “zoom in” and “zoom out.” That means that while they’re able to get down into the details of a particular process and understand the technical intricacies, they never lose sight of the larger business reason for the work they’re doing.

#3: They translate the message to fit the audience:
Your business is composed of all kinds of different audiences. These audiences have different training, education and experience levels. They have different responsibilities and care about different things. As a result, a ‘one size fits all’ approach to communication simply does not work. Is your audience more interested in the financial impact of a process improvement or are they worried about what impact it will have on their jobs?  Make sure you understand what’s going to matter most to your audience – put yourself in their shoes – and then start talking.

#4: They avoid technical – and Japanese – jargon
We know it can be tempting to spout off about “end to end process management” or “standard deviation” or “sigma levels” just to illustrate how much you know about the topic. And if you’ve been trained in Lean you might want to show off how worldly you are by talking about Poka-Yokes, Muda, and Kaizens. But don’t be tempted do it in front of your non-process business colleagues as it’s the fastest way to lose friends and alienate people.
Plain English should suffice for most things that you have to say and for more complex concepts, think about how metaphors or practical examples can help staff relate to the concepts. Remember, the point of communication is not to make yourself look smart…it’s to make other people understand!
#5: They think about the impact of process changes on staff
Life would be so easy without all the other people. Imagine how easy it would be if you could change anything and those changes would be immediately followed by everyone without any question or hesitation. Clearly, it doesn’t work that way.
Process changes have real impact on people’s jobs. They will need to make adjustments to habits and skills they’ve built up, possibly over years. They’ll need to, in some cases, learn an entirely new way of doing something. They might even need additional training. Successful process professionals factor in the human element and understand how process changes will impact the people who need to actually do the work.

#6: They listen
Your ears are an absolute marvel of engineering and it’s amazing what can happen when you use them effectively. Useful for gathering information they can also be used to identify potential problems with a proposed solution, to smooth over organizational politics and to learn.

Successful process professionals are constantly listening to the business, to customers and to employees. This makes them more effective in identifying those projects and initiatives that will deliver great value to the organization. It also increases the likelihood that process changes will be accepted and sustained by employees and leadership as they will feel that they’ve had a say in the process.

#7: They listen
Just a little reinforcement…if you’re not certain how important it is to listen, go back and read #6 again.
#8: They listen
Oh and did we mention how important it was to listen to people?

#9: They are constantly learning
Life would be so easy if we were born knowing everything that we would ever need to know. Alas, it doesn’t work that way, and successful process practitioners understand the importance of continually learning and evolving their skillset.  That could involve benchmarking or attending a conference to hear how other companies are approaching similar challenges, taking a course in an area like project management or change management, learning from failures (as well as successes), and networking and sharing ideas with other practitioners. Don’t expect that a one-off bit of Lean Six Sigma training is going to set you up for perpetual success.

#10:  They coach and mentor others
Successful process professionals understand that on their own they will be less effective than if they can mobilize the talents of other people within the organization. And while it might seem like hard work to teach your organization “to fish” you’ll reap dividends if you stop trying to catch our fine aquatic friends all by yourself and mentor others to get their fishing rods at the ready.

What do you think? Are there any habits missing from this list?

Business Solutions Challenge

No two businesses are exactly alike. Each business is made up of a unique blend of people, processes and technology. So why take a one-size-fits-all approach to solving business problems?
Some of the biggest challenges facing business today:

Securing Information
A breach in document security could result in unauthorised use or harmful disclosure of your important company intelligence, which can put your organisation in a crippling position. In many cases, data breaches can mean loss in customer trust and even financial damage – as new security systems need to be put in place.
Addressing document security in potential areas of leakage is a critical first step to minimising the risks. After all, companies need to ensure the protection of information – one of the most valuable assets.

Reducing and Managing Costs
An often cited fact is that process-related costs in a business can account for up to 6 per cent of annual revenues. This can come from a number of areas, but inefficient processes and document wastage are certainly going to be the biggest culprits.
This is an area where organisations can quickly achieve surprising cost reductions with a minimum of fuss. There is also the added benefit of reducing unseen costs. These have a tendency to rack up unnoticed, thus causing a significant headache when it comes to profitability.

Automating Information
In most industries, workers spend significant amounts of time processing documents and the data contained within. As companies will certainly understand, these processes can also absorb a substantial amount of funding.
Addressing these bottlenecks has typically required massive system changes to get this under control, however with the connectivity available today it’s never been easier to automate these common tasks.
It’s now time for businesses to start focusing on automation to reduce roadblocks. Delaying could prove to be an issue, given the amount of information is only continuing to increase thanks to the larger number of channels.

Digitising Information
While the amount of information being stored electronically is increasing, the predicted reduction in paper is not reducing as quickly as once thought. Organisations are actively searching for ways to convert information trapped on paper into digital forms and those that do witness significant benefits.
Once information has been converted into digital form it becomes easier to access from a range of devices, for example mobile workers logging on from laptops while away from the office.
Digitisation will only become even more important as the amount of information continues to expand, as businesses cannot afford to allot the necessary resources for paper-based information management.

Effective Communication and Marketing
It’s never been more challenging for marketers looking to deliver business results. Deploying and measuring campaigns across print and digital channels with the inclusion of personalised content can be a daunting challenge.
When well managed however, multi-channel communications can deliver new levels of success for your organisation. What’s more, these solutions make it simple to manage over multiple channels, whether online, email or social media.

93 percent of CEOs now believe that sustainability will be critical to the success of their business in the future. A focus on sustainability often delivers benefits including improvements in employee morale, customer loyalty and not to mention brand image.
Sustainability is becoming increasingly important for a strong brand image as more and more businesses adopt the term, but it can be difficult to actually drive sustainability within a company.
Following the adoption of these solutions, the business can see benefits to both the environment and the bottom line.

More Jobs, More Revenue

Anytime, Anywhere, Any Device – the ATAWAD Concept

The ATAWAD concept represents perfectly how technology and the way we work are evolving. Being continuously connected is becoming just as important as the work we deliver. Whether you are at home, in a meeting or in transports, you need to collaborate and get in touch with people using the device you have on hand : smartphone, tablets or computers.

The new tipping point

Any time, anywhere, any device – or known as the 3As is not radically a new concept. People have been talking about it for a while now and several firms have already implemented ATAWAD in various business units.
ATAWAD means – the offered capacity to users (technological programs, services) to access information anytime, from anywhere and on any device.

The next phase for the Enterprise

The history of network computing is characterized by an on going struggle between end-user and IT capabilities. IT has been ahead of the curve, driving a new technology shift in businesses. The rise of Cloud and mobility is impacting the economy in several ways. Providing customers with anytime, anywhere, any device access to enterprise systems, as well as the ability to interact with data to get work done, has been a key strategic imperative.
Large corporations such as Cisco, Orange or Barclays have seized this opportunity to increase interactions with their customers and their employees.

ATAWAD, an ode to scalability

Beyond its practical dimension (not having to return to the office on weekend if you have forgotten a document), you can access everything from your home. ATAWAD encourages anytime/anywhere access in the corporation world. Most importantly, businesses understand the benefits of digital transition :
 – Device freedom for workers : Cloud solutions offer a mobile-optimized platform for all type of users.
– Top Management from any type of industry can follow and interact with their teams 
– Business leaders can monitor their dashboards, exchange information, access their CRM, create instant reports and follow the status of their pipelines
– Communication managers can react instantly on any subject and transmit news to various teams
– Employees can access the IS (Information system) of their company whenever they want
ATAWAD simply represents an ode to business scalability, a definite luxury for corporations today !

An organizational shift to take into consideration

Shifting to a next-generation cloud solution can help transform a business.However, knowing where to start can be a challenge.
– Important organizational changes must be taken into consideration by the RH department such as encouraging employees to telework.
– Look for ROI and TCO when making investments on ATAWAD ! Look for incremental investments in your existing infrastructure, backed by a solid ROI model for new business solutions.
– Of course, a move to information-centric and mobility-enabled serviceswill put a premium on information security and privacy.
– Embrace the future ! The business landscape is packed of struggling companies that failed to act on technology transitions.

The digital revolution is here to stay and business must adapt to the change! The 3As is today’s revolution, one that will transform the industry towards a customer-centric, omnicontent future.


10 Stupid Office Rules That Chase Away Good Employees

Stupidity is unfortunately a life-long experience that all of us at some point have to face. It’s understandable that companies need to establish some ground rules to maintain order and productivity. However, they should not cross that boundary where rules confine employee passion or enthusiasm.
Companies should pause to ponder: to whom are rules being directed at? If the new rule you are creating are targeted at those you wish you didn’t hire, well, that rule is most likely a stupid rule. Need more examples?
Here are the top 10 stupid rules that make good people, employees and humans go running.
1. Stupid Attendance Policies
Companies should realise that salaried people are no longer school children. If an employer is unhappy that an employee comes in 20 minutes late but fails to appreciate how the employee works 2 hours overtime, the company probably doesn’t deserve that employee at all.

2. Stupid Approvals For Everything
Bureaucracy can be the death of everyone. If employees need their manager’s written approval just to ask Admin for a new notepad… *rolls eyes*. A company should choose to trust the employees they hired enough for them to make trivial decisions such as this.

3. Stupid Hiring Processes
Ever wondered how someone with less qualifications than you ended up getting a position above yours? Well, this could probably be because the company is screening resumes by means of a keyword search as opposed to sieving through applicants one-by-one. We’re advocates of humanising the hiring process so that the right people are hired for the correct position.

4. Stupid Internet Restrictions
We’re not saying that blocking NSFW sites at work is wrong. Unfortunately, many companies restrict employees’ Internet activity so unnecessarily that it limits their ability to do their jobs! Classic example? Limiting Youtube to the point that people are unable to learn what they need from that ‘how to use clone-tool in Photoshop’ online tutorial.

5. Stupid Rules On Frequent-flyer Miles
When employees fly for work trips, they have definitely earned their frequent-flyer miles. Travelling is a sacrifice of time and energy, the very least they should get is the miles earned. Companies who do not allow employees to keep their miles points for personal use are only encouraging resentment with every flight.

6. Stupid Mobile Phone Restrictions
Of course organisations need to set a limit to phone use so that it doesn’t hinder productivity. However, employees spend most of their waking hours at work. Yet, some organisations ban the use of mobile phones at work? This step disconnects employees with their loved ones or friends. It will definitely bite back at companies due to employees’ lack of social life, which is crucial for their mental health and happiness.

7. Stupid Rules For Performance Reviews
There are instances when a bureaucratic five-point scale just doesn’t add up for brilliant and talented people. Bell curve performance reviews for example encourage the retention of mediocre employees and not those who actually outperform! However, the largest abomination of performance reviews has to be ‘stack ranking’, where the company lines up employees and compares them with each other (and here we thought The Hunger Games was just fiction).

8. Stupid Pay Structures
Companies should realise that rigid salaries are a thing of the past! If an employee is contributing massively to the company, the managers and HR should revise the employee’s benefits to show appreciation. However, if the HR comes back by saying you’re getting the normal 5% increase in annual salary (that everyone else is getting!) then there would be no surprises if the company turnover rate skyrockets.

9. Stupid Rules For Time-Off
Let’s say a dedicated employee works hard, clocks overtime and produces excellent results. The least the company can do is allow him/her to take their toil leave like an annual leave at any time they need their time off. Employers who scrooge on well-deserved toil leaves or even medical leave are downright unfair and deserve to see good employees leaving.

10. Too Many Stupid Rules In The First Place
To be completely honest, how many of us actually do read the employee’s handbook? (if it even exits or is updated anyway). If HR expects you to completely memorise the entire thing, they should have gotten rid of at least half of those rules in that 75-page handbook in the first place! Getting people to follow your policies should be a day-to-day thing, incorporated into the company culture. Nobody likes words without action framed in a handbook that is just TL;DR (too long; didn’t read).
Companies should realise that offices should be run where the inhabitants are mature enough to do what they were hired to do, not run like some concentration camp or prison with 7-levels of security complete with feverish paranoia.
If the above ten stupid rules really sound like the company you are in right now, ask yourself if you see yourself growing in the future or if you even belong there.
This article was originally written by Rebecca Koay with the title “10 Stupid Office Rules That Chase Away Good Employees” and was first published on Wobb, a job application platform for millennials who value the importance of good working culture.

Lembaga Keuangan Mikro

Dalam upaya mendorong pemberdayaan masyarakat, khususnya masyarakat berpenghasilan menengah ke bawah dan usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah (UMKM) diperlukan dukungan yang komprehensif dari lembaga keuangan. Selama ini UMKM terkendala akses pendanaan ke lembaga keuangan formal. Untuk mengatasi kendala tersebut, di masyarakat telah tumbuh dan berkembang banyak lembaga keuangan non-bank yang melakukan kegiatan usaha jasa pengembangan usaha dan pemberdayaan masyarakat, baik yang didirikan pemerintah atau masyarakat. Lembaga-lembaga tersebut  dikenal dengan sebutan lembaga keuangan mikro (LKM). Tetapi LKM tersebut banyak yang belum berbadan hukum dan memiliki izin usaha. Dalam rangka memberikan landasan hukum yang kuat atas operasionalisasi LKM, pada 8 Januari 2013 telah diundangkan Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 2013 tentang Lembaga Keuangan Mikro.

Definisi LKM
Lembaga Keuangan Mikro (LKM) adalah lembaga keuangan yang khusus didirikan untuk memberikan jasa pengembangan usaha dan pemberdayaan masyarakat, baik melalui pinjaman atau pembiayaan dalam usaha skala mikro kepada anggota dan masyarakat, pengelolaan simpanan, maupun pemberian jasa konsultasi pengembangan usaha yang tidak semata-mata mencari keuntungan.

Kegiatan Usaha LKM
  1. Kegiatan usaha LKM meliputi jasa pengembangan usaha dan pemberdayaan masyarakat, baik melalui Pinjaman atau Pembiayaan dalam usaha skala mikro kepada anggota dan masyarakat, pengelolaan Simpanan, maupun pemberian jasa konsultasi pengembangan usaha.
  2. Kegiatan usaha yang dapat dilakukan secara konvensional atau berdasarkan Prinsip Syariah.
  3. LKM dapat melakukan kegiatan berbasis fee sepanjang tidak bertentangan dengan ketentuan perundang-undangan di sektor jasa keuangan.

Tujuan LKM:
  1. Meningkatkan akses pendanaan skala mikro bagi masyarakat;
  2. Membantu peningkatan pemberdayaan ekonomi dan produktivitas masyarakat; dan
  3. Membantu peningkatan pendapatan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat terutama masyarakat miskin atau berpenghasilan rendah

Kewajiban Memperoleh Izin Usaha LKM
  1. Lembaga yang akan menjalankan usaha LKM setelah berlakunya Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 2013 tentang Lembaga Keuangan Mikro, wajib memperoleh izin usaha LKM.
  2. Permohonan izin usaha sebagai LKM disampaikan kepada Kantor Regional/Kantor OJK/Direktorat LKM sesuai tempat kedudukan LKM.

Bentuk Badan Hukum LKM
  1. Koperasi; atau
  2. Perseroan Terbatas (sahamnya paling sedikit 60 persen dimiliki oleh pemerintah daerah kabupaten/kota atau badan usaha milik desa/kelurahan, sisa kepemilikan saham PT dapat dimiliki oleh WNI atau koperasi dengan kepemilikan WNI paling banyak sebesar 20 persen).

Kepemilikan LKM
LKM hanya dapat dimiliki oleh:
  1. Warga Negara Indonesia;
  2. Badan usaha milik desa/kelurahan;
  3. Pemerintah daerah kabupaten/kota; atau
  4. Koperasi.
LKM dilarang dimiliki, baik langsung maupun tidak langsung, oleh warga negara asing atau badan usaha yang sebagian atau seluruhnya dimiliki oleh warga negara asing atau badan usaha asing.

Luas Cakupan Wilayah Usaha dan Permodalan LKM
  1. Luas Cakupan wilayah usaha suatu LKM berada dalam satu wilayah desa/kelurahan, kecamatan, atau kabupaten/kota sesuai dengan skala usaha masing-masing LKM.
  2. Skala usaha LKM yang dimaksud ditetapkan berdasarkan distribusi nasabah peminjam atau Pembiayaan sebagai berikut:
    1. LKM memiliki skala usaha desa/kelurahan apabila memberikan Pinjaman atau Pembiayaan kepada penduduk di 1 (satu) desa/kelurahan;
    2. LKM memiliki skala usaha kecamatan apabila memberikan Pinjaman atau Pembiayaan kepada penduduk di 2 (dua) desa/kelurahan atau lebih dalam 1 (satu) wilayah kecamatan yang sama;
    3. LKM memiliki skala usaha kabupaten/kota apabila memberikan Pinjaman atau Pembiayaan kepada penduduk di 2 (dua) kecamatan atau lebih dalam 1 (satu) wilayah kabupaten/kota yang sama.
  3. Modal LKM terdiri dari modal disetor untuk LKM yang berbadan hukum PT atau simpanan pokok, simpanan wajib, dan hibah untuk LKM yang berbadan hukum Koperasi dengan besaran:
    1. Wilayah usaha desa/kelurahan : Rp 50.000.000
    2. Wilayah usaha kecamatan : Rp 100.000.000
    3. Wilayah usaha kabupaten/kota : Rp 500.000.000

Transformasi LKM
LKM wajib bertransformasi menjadi bank perkreditan rakyat atau bank pembiayaan rakyat syariah jika:
  1. Melakukan kegiatan usaha melebihi 1 (satu) wilayah kabupaten/kota tempat kedudukan LKM; atau
  2. LKM telah memiliki:
    1. Ekuitas paling kurang 5 (lima) kali dari persyaratan modal disetor minimum bank perkreditan rakyat atau bank pembiayaan rakyat syariah sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan; dan
    2. Jumlah dana pihak ketiga dalam bentuk simpanan yang dihimpun dalam 1 (satu) tahun terakhir paling kurang 25 (dua puluh lima) kali dari persyaratan modal disetor minimum bank perkreditan rakyat atau bank pembiayaan rakyat syariah sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan.

Laporan Keuangan LKM
  1. LKM wajib menyampaikan laporan keuangan secara berkala setiap 4 (empat) bulan untuk periode yang berakhir pada 30 April, 31 Agustus, dan 31 Desember kepada OJK.
  2. Penyampaian laporan keuangan dilakukan paling lambat pada akhir bulan berikutnya.
  3. Ketentuan mengenai laporan keuangan LKM diatur dalam surat edaran OJK.

Larangan Bagi LKM
Dalam melakukan kegiatan usaha, LKM dilarang:
  1. Menerima Simpanan berupa giro dan ikut serta dalam lalu lintas pembayaran;
  2. Melakukan kegiatan usaha dalam valuta asing;
  3. Melakukan usaha perasuransian sebagai penanggung;
  4. Bertindak sebagai penjamin;
  5. Memberi pinjaman atau pembiayaan kepada LKM lain, kecuali dalam rangka mengatasi kesulitan likuiditas bagi LKM lain dalam wilayah kabupaten/kota yang sama;
  6. Melakukan penyaluran pinjaman atau pembiayaan di luar cakupan wilayah usaha; atau
  7. Melakukan usaha di luar kegiatan usaha seperti yang dimaksud dalam Pasal 2 Peraturan OJK Nomor 13/POJK.05/2014 tentang Penyelenggaraan Usaha Lembaga Keuangan Mikro.

Pembinaan, Pengaturan, dan Pengawasan LKM
  1. Pembinaan, pengaturan, dan pengawasan LKM dilakukan oleh OJK.
  2. Dalam melakukan pembinaan LKM, OJK berkoordinasi dengan kementerian yang menyelenggarakan urusan koperasi dan Kementerian Dalam Negeri.
  3. Pembinaan dan pengawasan LKM didelegasikan kepada pemerintah daerah kabupaten/kota atau pihak lain yang ditunjuk.

Dasar hukum
  1. Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 2013 Tentang Lembaga Keuangan Mikro (Undang-Undang LKM).
  2. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 89 Tahun 2014 tentang Suku Bunga Pinjaman Atau Imbal Hasil Pembiayaan dan Luas Cakupan Wilayah Usaha Lembaga Keuangan Mikro.
  3. Surat Edaran Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (SEOJK), SEOJK Nomor 29/SEOJK.05/2015 tentang Laporan Keuangan Lembaga Keuangan Mikro.
  4. Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (POJK):
    1. POJK Nomor 12/POJK.05/2014 tentang Perizinan Usaha dan Kelembagaan Lembaga Keuangan Mikro.
    2. POJK Nomor 13/POJK.05/2014 tentang Penyelenggaraan Usaha Lembaga Keuangan Mikro.
    3. POJK Nomor 14/POJK.05/2014 tentang Pembinaan dan Pengawasan Lembaga Keuangan Mikro.
    4. POJK Nomor 61/POJK.05/2015 tentang Perubahan atas Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 12/POJK.05/2014 tentang Perizinan Usaha dan Kelembagaan Lembaga Keuangan Mikro.
    5. POJK Nomor 62/POJK.05/2015 tentang Perubahan atas Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 13/POJK.05/2014 tentang Penyelenggaraan Usaha Lembaga Keuangan Mikro.

Digital Printing in Digital Era

In an era where technology is taking over it might seem like everything is going digital. Email has increased, businesses are phasing out paper receipts, and dinner reservations online are becoming more popular. Honestly, almost anything can be done online.

You might be surprised to find out that despite the trend for everything to go digital, print is NOT dead. In fact, the reality is that print is a very powerful media and businesses are continuing to utilize print for marketing materials.

Print gives people a direct sensory experience.
Reading a book, scanning through the news paper, flipping through a magazine; reading any of these print materials triggers your senses and creates an experience for the user that is appealing and self-satisfying. Reach your target audience with something tangible that they can see, touch and even smell and you are sure to leave a lasting impression.

If you are trying to get the attention of potential customers who sit at a desk most of the day, staring at a screen, weeding through emails, or analyzing reports try reaching them through printed material. It gives them a break from the screen so they are sure to be more focused on your material.

Print is user friendly.
Simply stated print is easy! It does not require an IT person to help you download, there’s no pop-ups advertisements to interrupt you…it is just easier.

Print is portable.
You might say so is my iPhone, or my laptop But you don’t need a charger or battery for print. You can easily take it with you, and there are no compatibility issues!

Air Terjun Curug Cibeureum Cibodas

Air Terjun Cibereum atau dalam bahasa sunda disebut Curug Cibeureum adalah salah satu wisata alam yang terletak di bawah kaki Gunung Gede Pangrongo sehingga masih termasuk dalam kawasan Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango. Jadi jika Anda yang hendak mendaki Gede Pangrango melalui jalur Cibodas pasti melalui jalur menuju Curug Cibeureum ini. Curug Cibereum ini adalah salah satu objek wisata alam favorit pengunjung wisata cibodas.

Yang Menarik dari Curug Cibeureum 
Selain keindahan Curug atau Air Terjun Cibeureum, selama perjalanan menuju ke lokasi Anda akan disuguhi berbagai pemandangan alam yang indah dan eksotis dengan jarak tempuh 2.7 Km dari pos tiket atau sekitar 45 menit – 1 jam dengan jalan santai. Medan yang menanjak dengan undakan bebatuan dikelilingi hutan yang lebat merupakan daya tarik tersendiri dari Curug Cibeureum ini. Jangan heran jika Anda menemukan pemandangan berbagai jenis burung dan kera yang bergelantungan.

Ada juga telaga biru dan rawa panyangcangan yang bisa Anda nikmati keindahannya selama perjalanan. Serta jembatan panjang yang terbuat dari batu buatan yang sering menjadi salah satu tempat favorit berfoto ria atau selfie selama perjalanan ke Curug Cibeureum ini.

Harga Tiket Air Terjun Cibeureum
Cukup hanya dengan harga tiket Rp. 18.500/Orang, Anda dapat menikmati pemandangan Curug Cibereum serta menikmati indah dan segarnya alam pegunungan kaki Gunung Gede Pangrango.