Data Technology - Legacy-based records (paper documents) still comprise the vast majority
of document types used in business communication and decision-making
in a particular process or throughout the enterprise. While it is
true that paper storage as a percentage of the
document landscape makeup has decreased, the actual volume of paper
used in the corporate environment continues to grow. Electronic Document technology has shifted the creation
of paper documents to a variety
of electronic record types and email has become the fastest growing
method of business communication. Compliance is driving the boardroom
to quickly get control of how all these record types are identified,
managed, and eventually destroyed using a consistent and auditable
Organizations are faced with the reality of integrating complex
business record landscape into one paperless and seamless "virtual business record." But where does
one start? Paper may have been kept since the beginning of the corporate
existence and the idea of document imaging and converting millions of pages is far too costly. Email is the
new “Pandora’s box” since it has been identified as a legitimate
form of business record. Corporate employees generate and delete
emails and instant messaging at will with no regard to this communication
being a business record. All other types of electronic
content are created, modified and kept in so many
locations and versions due to collaborative tools that it may be
impossible to manage effectively.
Organizations peer into this “abyss” of business records and become
so overwhelmed they often choose to do nothing rather than begin
to get control of a particular record type or focus on a functional
area of the business. Senior management must take the initiative
and drive it down through the organization. Resources, both staffing
and financial, must be identified and allocated to get started.
A commitment to an ongoing document scanning process must be made. Audits must be performed periodically
to ensure the integrity of the process.
Document Storage technology
solutions abound. Web based document repositories have become a viable alternative to acquiring document
imaging software solutions and document
imaging outsourcing is now common business practice.
Alternatives can be implemented to address the large paper
backfile at a much lower cost yet still bring the
information into the newly adopted digital
records management process.